The land your house or business sits on may be affecting your health, wellbeing and the feel of your home or business.

Geopathic Stress is natural radiation that rises up through the earth and is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by underground streams, certain mineral concentrations and fault lines. The wave lengths of disturbed natural radiation can seriously affect your health, particularly in locations where you spend a lot of time, such as where you sleep, or work.

Geomancy literally means ‘Divining the Earth’. It is the ancient art of reading earth’s energies (magnetic fields) using divining rods and other dowsing tools, and then neutralising disturbed magnetic fields.

Why Geomancy?

Distorted earth energies may be affecting your health and well-being. While we're asleep our bodies should be resting so they can repair body cells, fight infections and absorb nutrients from food. However, if we sleep in an area affected by Geopathic Stress, our body has to use all it's energy just to keep vital organs going. 

Your immune system may be weakened. This means it doesn’t absorb nutrients or fight off infections effectively. Each individual vibrates at a different frequency, and each organ in our body vibrates at a different frequency. When our natural vibratory ‘rhythms’ for optimum health are interrupted by discordant or conflicting frequencies caused by geopathic stress, our health and well being is compromised. Of course, there are some lucky people who have bullet proof immune systems, however the majority of us do not, at least not all the time. And so support from our home is vitally important, for this is where we go to recuperate and recharge.

  • a Geomancy treatment can be very effective with health issues such as infertility, miscarriages, headaches, insomnia, chronic fatigue, cancer, frequent colds and flu.
  • can help children who have learning difficulties and hyperactivity, and improve their sleep. 
  • can reduce stress levels, thereby improving relationships and prosperity. 
  • if things are always going wrong or breaking down on your property, a Geomancy treatment can get things working again. 
  • can aid the sale of a property. Once the site has been energetically balanced, the calm and peaceful feel of the property improves its appeal to prospective buyers.
  • can be the most effective way to remove spirit or ghost activity.


Foresight - a preconception organization established in England in 1978, advise prospective parents to have their home checked for geophysical stress, which includes geopathic stress and exposure to other environmental hazards (sick building syndrome) such as electromagnetic radiation (EMFs), electrical fields (EFs). Hazards include meter boxes, digital clocks, electric blankets, down lights, mobile and cordless phones, and microwaves, just to name a few.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic StressGeopathic stress - or harmful earth rays, is natural radiation that rises up through the earth and is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by underground streams, caverns, certain mineral concentrations (coal, oil and iron) and geological fault lines.

In the early 20th Century, studies conducted in Austria & Germany proved a link between cancer and geopathic stress. Geopathic stress has also been linked to migraine, headaches, insomnia, cot death, infertility, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, cancer, joint pain & short term memory loss.

How is Geopathic Stress treated?

As a qualified Geomancer, I use earth acupuncture to heal the site. Earth Acupuncture involves inserting copper rods into the earth. The copper acts like a tuning fork, which can change the vibration or pitch of other instruments nearby. The copper causes the weaker frequencies or geopathic stress to return to earth’s natural rythym.

Feng Shui Improve your relationship with Spirit and Place!

Contact Carol Partridge for a consultation now on 0434 880 411 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.