If you would like to read more information about feng shui, astrology, space clearing, geomancy, tarot, divination, and many other fascinating esoteric subjects, Carol has put together a list of websites you may find interesting.
Feng Shui Compass
A good quality professional Luopan or Chinese Compass can set you back over $300. For a beginner I recommend a standard compass - although it can be difficult to find one that has every degree marked on the compass dial (accuracy and exactness is required when taking feng shui compass readings). For beginners, I recommend this Feng Shui Compass for sale on Ebay.
Feng Shui Blog Go to Carol's Feng Shui Blog for a more personal and up-to-date account of her fascinating journey in the areas of feng shui, dowsing, astrology, tarot, dowsing and much more!
Feng Shui Twitter Would you like to receive feng shui tips from a qualified feng shui consultant? Would you like to know what the next year may bring? Would you like to know when tricky or demanding planetary influences are going to happen? Follow Carol's Feng Shui Twitter for useful tips, inspirational messages and more more!
Feng Shui RSS Feeds Technology is a wonderful thing! You can now receive Carol's blog posts straight to your Google or Yahoo Account or directly into Microsoft Outlook. Follow this link to Carol's Feng Shui RSS Feeds for useful tips on feng shui, astrology, space clearing, and more more!
Feng Shui Tips If you have general questions you would like answered on feng shui, space clearing, geomancy, chinese or western astrology, or any other esoteric matters, join my Yahoo Group Feng Shui Tips. |
For more information
Roy Riggs Based in England, Roy Riggs is a Geobiologist and his website contains interesting information about geopathic and electromagnetic stress and why your home may be the cause of your poor health.
Geomancy Group The UK Geomancy Group has great information on geomancy, dowsing, sacred space and more.
EMF Facts For more information on Electromagnetic Radiation see EMF Facts!
Ecolibria Raphael Siket is a Building Biologist based in Melbourne, specialising in Air Quality Testing, Green and Healthy Building Design and Building Materials. Visit Ecolibria!
Foresight The Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care has put together a thoroughly researched preconception programme which addresses all the areas of concern for prospective parents including nutrition, electromagnetic pollution, mineral and heavy metal levels, allergies and intolerances, possible causes of infertility and more. If you are planning to have a baby, visit Foresight!
Business link for Sacred Feng Shui Design and Carol's qualifications at Sacred Feng Shui Design LinkedIn.
Join my facebook page Sacred Feng Shui Design.
Visit Alltop, the “online magazine rack” of the web to read my blog and other interesting articles I have collected on a variety of subjects. Alltop collects the headlines of the latest stories from the best sites and blogs that cover a topic.